a people doing bible study

Youth Group Bible Study

Bible Study Inspiration:

If I said that many of your youth group kids have never actually read the Bible, would this be a surprise? As a youth pastor, I have found that while many kids know the stories of the Bible and have a few verses memorized, they’ve never actually read the stories of Jesus for themselves. Because of this, we’ve made it a priority to get into the word each week with the kids. Developing a youth group bible study method that worked took some trial and error.

The hard part? We quickly learned that teens don’t always pay attention. It’s safe to say that the attention spam of teens are not very long…thanks Tiktok. This makes delivering a message or reading to them without their participation difficult. Therefore, to accomplish our goal of having our youth group read through the Gospels we’ve developed a system. A system I wanted to share with other busy and tired youth pastors!

Youth Group Bible Study Method

So let’s explain our method. Each week we pass out notecards to the youth that have a Bible verse/verses on them. Also on this card there is a number in the upper corner from 1-10, for example. Starting with 1, the youth take turns reading out loud their Bible verse. As we go along, we facilitate discussion with them about the context, meaning, and significance. It is always a priority to shower in some life application as well! We love this method because it has the youth actively participating and is super easy to prep on our part.

On each document, you will find the verses that correspond with each notecard. I put notes for our own use that may or may not be useful for your discussion. I of course recommend reading over the verses for yourself prior to the lesson to add notes of your own. If you don’t have time, trust me a get it, I hope the notes I put are useful for guiding discussion!

We’re in this Together!

You’ll see on the below list that this is an ongoing process. I will be updating it each week as we go along! They are google documents, so you will need a Google account to access them. I did this in order to make them editable for you in case you want to add notes. If you do not have google, reach out to me and I can send them to you a different way! When you click on each document, it will ask if you want to make a copy. I hope these lessons help you and I would love to hear any feedback you have! Please leave comments below or reach out to me directly!

A youth group bible study can be intimidating and time consuming to prep. For a while, we were really struggling to have the teaching part of our group go effectively and smoothly. Since starting this method, we’ve found it is has gone pretty well. Occasionally we include a game in the study, which I will provide info about on each document. We always make sure to have candy on hand to go along with them.

Bible Study Lessons