Everything was going right until it wasn’t. One thing after another keeps hitting you, disappointing you, and demoralizing you. Truth is, you’ve tried trusting God but you’re ready to quit.
Perhaps you’re even feeling like these trials that God is allowing you to go through make it not worth believing in him. You feel like living a life of no faith would be easier than that of following God at all. It may even lead you to think that life isn’t even worth living.
Trusting or Giving Up?
The hard thing is that if you are struggling with this feeling, you already believe in God and all the amazing things that accompany your faithful life.
Are you willing to give that up?
Think about all of the difficult periods you’ve had in life. Now think about how you have made it through those events. You’ve made it through somehow and chances are, trusting in God was involved. I bet you’re even a heck of a lot stronger now because of it.
If you give up now, all of what you went through and overcame won’t mean anything. You are just deciding to give up. But you are meant for great things through God, even if they show up in little ways.
If The Shoe Fits, I’m Wearing It
It’s so easy to give up when things become difficult. This year alone, I’ve had to watch my husband come off from the stress of me almost dying a year before, become sick with COVID twice, have a child who he practically raised die tragically, and right now is going through turmoil at his job as a teacher. It has been absolutely heartbreaking watching the man I love more than anyone on this planet suffer the way that he has.
Did I mention that we are six weeks out from having a baby?

All I want to do is go around town telling people how my husband is being treated and the disrespectful things the school is putting him through. We could cause so much unrest in the school and community. That would surely show them, right?
Unfortunately for our selfish sides, none of that would be in the glorification of God. Besides that, it would just open doors for the enemy into the school and hurt the students we love. We have to remember that no matter how difficult this year has been, every decision that we make has be based on the end goal of Jesus. Trusting in his will is a huge part in that.
Jesus had the power to come down from the cross but he chose to suffer. Why? For us and the glorification of God’s kingdom. He knew the suffering was worth it and it is for you too.
Trusting Can Be Crawling
When the ground falls out from underneath you, how do you keep standing? Sometimes you can’t and you just have to start crawling. The important thing is to keep your eyes on God and you will find solid ground again.
You obviously know that trusting in times of turmoil can be really difficult. The enemy knows how to distract from the good of God and is really good at it. We’re reminded in 1 Corinthians 15:58 to be “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

When it says work, it doesn’t necessarily mean your job. A lot of the time, your work of the Lord can be simple things. Like treating people kindly, sharing your love with others the way God loves you, and bringing others to Christ. The works you do for the kingdom of God will bring results that last forever.
But I get it, that doesn’t remove the pain of what you are going through right now. What can remove that pain? Hope and trust that you will make it through it. Not by your own will but through God’s. You can give up as long as you are giving up your control to Jesus. It’s okay to let go of the wheel…just keep your eyes on God and your car will steer true.
Look at Paul. He was thrown into jail so many times. I doubt this wasn’t what he imagined his life to be. He suffered. However, he never gave up and I’m sure has impacted your life in some way by the words he wrote through Christ.
He was transformed through the hard time and you will be too. Cling to the teaching from his story and from the Bible and you will make it through. And again, Jesus had the choice to come down from that cross…and yet he didn’t. He embraced the pain and came out victorious.
Where There is God There is Hope
Trusting God through the hard times can bring you blessings you never even thought of. When I suffered a horrible injury two years ago, I spent a lot of time with God. A lot of this time involved tears and wanting to give up. However, I didn’t, and that is how I ended up discovering my passion for writing about his love.
If you trust God through everything you are going through, you will end up with blessings you never thought were possible. They may not be big flashy blessings. Instead, they will be blessings that change who you are as a person. Your life will have more meaning. Love will surround you.
Trusting is Your Choice
You’re at the point of decision.
You can either give up and sacrifice your life to the enemy who is causing your pain, or you can choose to keep your head pointed toward God and trusting him. The path that looks the easiest may lead you into temporary relief but will make your life more difficult in the long run.
Sometimes devoting your life to Christ can open challenges because the enemy does not want you doing that. If you want to change the direction of your life, you have to be “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.”
Make the choice to tell the enemy “no.” Make the choice to tell God that even if things don’t work out the way you want, you will still love and follow him. If you do this, your life will become different in only a way that Jesus can make it.
Let’s Pray
Father God, I want to plead with you to make these hard times stop. To give some relief and end to the crying. But Father hold me while I go through it. I know not all times can be easy because it’s impossible to have a spring without a Winter. Father, I feel broken but please help me to not give up and for flowers to grow out of the cracks of life.
In you love I pray.