reflection of woman in mirror

Pride, Jealousy and Inferiority-Not with God’s Work

Humans have a lot of selfish emotions. Pride, inferiority, and jealousy may just be the big three that get in the way of glorifying God the most. John 3:30 says “He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” When thinking about any aspect of growing in your relationship with Christ, there are few verses that sum it up better.


As we grow deeper in our faith and focus more on Christ, the less we play a part in it. Although you can be proud of the work that is accomplished, patting yourself on the back more than you are for Christ, there’s an issue. This is the same as telling God “look what I did for you” instead of “thank you for what you did through me.” 

In Luke 18: 9 – 14, we are told a story of a Pharisee and Tax Collector. In this story they both going to the temple and start praying. The Pharisee prayed with pride guiding his words and boasted about how awesome he was in following God’s word. The tax collector went the opposite way and prayed for mercy. The story ends with Jesus telling us that “the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored.” In our daily lives we have to ask ourselves, “am I being proud or humble?”


Jealousy is something I personally struggle with a lot. Sometimes it is hard looking at other Christians and seeing all the blessings they have. Houses, belongings, calm and peaceful lives…you name it, they have it. At least that’s what I sometimes think. 

Over a long time I have been taught that when I allow those lies to enter my thoughts, I am letting the enemy get in the way of God’s work through me. I have so many blessings in my life and yet it seems like if I just had that one other blessing, my life would be perfect. However, the only obtainable perfection is through Christ and that is a blessing that is only obtainable through one’s submission and relationship with him. 


Pride and jealousy are products of the fear of inferiority-the fear of being below others. When we feel inferior to somebody our natural instinct is to go one of two ways. It could make our egos say that it doesn’t matter because we are better than that person in some way. Or it could go the other way where you put yourself down and become jealous of that person.

However, both of those responses are a lie. As children of God, we are inferior to nobody. Even when it comes to other Christians, there is not one that is more important than any other (1 Corinthians 12 – 18). Some may be stronger in their faith than you but that just means they are someone to learn from, not to be jealous of. On the other hand, some may seem like they have more flaws than. However, this doesn’t mean you should be prideful in your relationship with them. Chance is, you only see their flaws because you are trying not to look at your own.

Be on Guard

I would argue that the society and age we live in has the most potent mix ripe for pride, jealousy, and inferiority than any other age we have yet to face. Through social media, television, and constant communication, we are able to see what others have constantly. If you are not confident in who you are in your relationship with Christ, this can act as a poison to us.

Personally I have to be very diligent on limiting my time with social media. Also I have to constantly check my emotions after every day interactions with others. If you are similar and struggle with pride, jealousy, and inferiority, these may be changes that you need to make. In addition, we must remember to pray about everything that is trying to pull ourselves down. If we don’t we can into the spiral or these emotions.

Let’s Pray

Father God,

Thank you for embracing us as your children. GIve us steadfastness, strength, and diligence to see you more than we see the world around us. Worldly things can give happiness but not joy-that is only obtainable through our relationship with you. Please show each and every one of us the roadblocks in our lives to a deeper connection with you and give us persistence to work through those roadblocks with you.

In your love we pray,