We All Have Gifts
There’s been so many points in my life when I was trying to figure out God’s purpose for my life. The heartbreaking thing was that during those times, I never felt like I had figured it out. Then I would feel useless, unworthy, and lost. Now read the last few sentences again. Notice that you see the word “I” four times and the word “God” once.
This was the issue with my actions. I put my will of figuring it out in front of God’s will of showing it to me through a relationship with the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12: 1-12 tells us that we receive spiritual gifts through our relationship with the Holy Spirit. While each one of us has different gifts, each is as important as the other.
But What About Gifts for Normal Life, Not Just for the Church
If you are struggling to figure out what you are good at, chances are you are trying to figure out your purpose for life. Until you realize that your sole purpose in life is be a strong child of God, you will be unhappy with all the other solutions you come up with for your life. God knows the skills each of us has and our potential to use them. But unfortunately, so does the enemy. Emotions of doubt, stress, and anger are used to distract us from using our gifts to glorify God.
It would be great if we could all spend every day in church worshiping and praying with God. But we all have jobs and other obligations that require our attention. The feeling of lostness often comes from these jobs and obligations. At some point that doubt, stress, and anger will creep in. At least that will be the case if we don’t involve God in our every day and just on Sunday. Our spiritual gifts we use in church go hand in hand with those that we are to use in normal life. This is because our normal life is supposed to be glorifying God. If you are good at helping others or teaching in the church, chances are you will feel the most complete having a job that helps or teaches others.
But what if you are an engineer, how does that apply? Well, it’s the same premise. You are logical and you think about every aspect about the project you are working on. Believe it or not, the church needs those skills. 1 Corinthians 12:28, gives us a list of some of the members that God has placed in the body of Christ. While this list is specific, each category is broad. If you are in a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit and you are good at something that you don’t think is in the list…think again. If it’s from the Holy Spirit it is in the list. You are important.
Our True One and Only Purpose
Okay, we know now that we have spiritual gifts through the Holy Spirit and are to be with God every day. That’s our purpose…right? Kind of. Our true and sole purpose in life is to know ourselves in God through our relationship with Jesus Christ. When we submit to the Holy Spirit, using our gifts and ways to do that will become obvious. We have to be diligent though because sometimes our gifts are not what we desire to be good at.
That is something that has plagued me in my life. I never followed the things that I am good at because they seemed so small and unexciting. But just like 1 Corinthians 12: 14-29 tells us, Those skills and spiritual gifts that seem so small are just as important as everyone else’s gifts. Each of our gifts are given to us by the same Holy Spirit.
So take a moment right now and ask yourself, am I putting strengthening my relationship with Jesus Christ above figuring out my life according to my own will? If the answer is no, it is time to make some changes. In doing so, be diligent to not make excuses.
Father God
You are the way, you are our path, you are everything. There are so many distractions in this world that make us think otherwise. Lord, armor us in protection from those things that pull us away from you. Let us help others by living our lives according to your will and your love. Let the Holy Spirit be our compass instead of our own wills and ambitions.
In your Love we pray.